Creep of Concrete | Creep of Concrete formula | Creep In Concrete | Creep of Concrete Means | Creep of Concrete Images | Measurement of Creep of Concrete | creep coefficient | ultimate creep coefficient
What is creep in concrete
Creep of Concrete is defined as under sustained compressive loading or we can say tensile
load , deformation in concrete goes on increase with time , so the time
dependent factor of strength of concrete is called creep.
Creep occurs due to dead load of the structure as well as due
to permanent live load. Creep depend on stress applied so if we conclude by
saying that higher the stress applied higher the creep introduced.
We are unaware of the exact mechanism of creep , following
are the certain points to which creep is attributed
Internal movement of adsorbed water.
Sliding between gel (calcium-silicate-hydrate gel) particles.
Moisture loss.
Growth of micro cracks.
As we discussed earlier that creep is dependent on stress developed , so as long as stress in concrete doesn’t exceed the 1/3rd of it’s characteristics compressive strength , creep may be assumed to be proportional to the stress. This enables to calculate the total deflection due o initial as well as due to permanent live load by linear elastic analysis with reduced elastic modulus.
Ct = (creep strain at any time 't') / ( elastic strain )
Ultimate creep coefficient
Maximum value of creep coefficient is
termed as ultimate creep coefficient
θ = (ultimate creep strain) / (elastic strain)
Creep of Concrete | Creep of Concrete formula | Creep In Concrete | Creep of Concrete Means | Creep of Concrete Images | Measurement of Creep of Concrete | creep coefficient | ultimate creep coefficient
Reviewed by Manish
June 11, 2019

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