U Boot Beton

U Boot Beton

U Boot Beton , basically it is a formwork manufactured after recycling the plastic i.e. recycled polypropylene . These are used for the construction of voided two way slabs and rafts . Here voided two way slabs refers to reinforced concrete slabs in which voids reduces the amount of concrete .  

Now let us understand the basic purpose of two way slabs , so two way slab is defined as slabs that are supported on four sides and the ratio of longer span (L) to shorter span (B) is less than 2. In two way slabs, load will be carried in both the directions. So , main reinforcement is provided in both direction for two way slabs. Load is transferred from slab to main beam and then these beams transfer it to the pillars and finally to the foundation through these pillars .

U Boot Beton is the new technology which is different from the ongoing traditional constructional method of cement and concrete . You can conclude it as a economical technology . This technology will result in reduction of steel and concrete use . Now there is no worry if you wish to construct long span without using beams . 


1. These are mostly applicable where there is a desire of lighter structure , as        here we requires less concrete and steel in construction . 
2. U Boot Beton technology is preffered where we need to construct long spans .
3. Technology is prioritised when we are constructing building that requires open  space suppose we can say for public buildings , industrial structures etc .
4. As this technology doesn't requires construction of beams hence it gives            freedom for constructing pillars irregularly . 
5. Also preffered for great load bearing structures . 

U Boot Beton U Boot Beton Reviewed by Manish on March 02, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. This is very useful,eco-friendly and economic for the purpose.


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